Companion Planting in Raised Garden Beds: What to Plant and When

Companion Planting in Raised Garden Beds: What to Plant and When

If you’re an avid gardener, you’ve most likely heard of companion planting before, but do you know the best way to use this technique in your raised garden beds?? Companion planting is a great way to create a thriving ecosystem for your plants. It encourages biodiversity, improves soil health and increases yields by deterring pests and providing nutrition!

When choosing which vegetables to pair together in a raised bed, there are several things to consider. Planting vegetables with similar soil needs or compatible root structures is essential in helping create successful crop rotations and making sure all of your plants have enough space. Different varieties of plants may also have different nutrient requirements so it's important to choose wisely when pairing up your veggies!

For example, if you’re looking to add some natural pest control to your raised bed, consider interplanting tomatoes and basil. Tomatoes are susceptible to a variety of pests like aphids, but planting basil nearby will help repel those bugs. Radishes are another great companion for tomatoes as they help fertilize the soil with nitrogen, which tomatoes need in order to thrive!

Carrots and onions also make great companions because they have compatible root systems, meaning they won’t compete for resources or space. Planting them together can also deter carrot flies, as the smell of onions acts as a natural repellent. Another smart pairing is beans and corn. Beans provide nitrogen that corn needs, while corn can act as a trellis for the beans to climb up, making them both easier to harvest in the end!

Another great way to maximize space in your raised bed is by interplanting quick-maturing plants like lettuce, radishes and spinach with slower growing crops, such as tomatoes and peppers. This way, you’ll be able to rotate out faster growing vegetables before their roots get crowded or the soil becomes depleted of nutrients.

Companion planting can add a whole new level of complexity to your garden, but don’t let that intimidate you! With a little research and some smart plant pairings, you can create a thriving ecosystem right in your backyard. So go ahead, get creative and have fun with it!

Happy planting and don't forget to shop our wide selection of raised garden beds HERE