How to Grow Organic Produce During a Drought

How to Grow Organic Produce During a Drought

Have you been wanting to try your hand at growing organic produce but have been discouraged by the threat of a drought? Don’t let that stop you! Growing organic produce during a drought is definitely possible and here’s how to do it!

Choose Crops Wisely: When it comes to choosing crops, go for those that are known for being drought-resistant. Tomatoes, peppers, squash and beans are just some of the most common drought resistant crops. Drought-tolerant plants tend to require less water, which is important when resources are scarce.

Research Your Soil Type: Different soils have different levels of moisture retention, so it’s important to know what types of soil are best suited for your area. Sandy or clay soil tends to be better in drier climates, while loam soil retains more moisture than either type. Understanding your soil better will help you determine what types of plants can thrive in it during a drought.

Invest in Mulch: Covering the ground with mulch helps preserve moisture in the soil, which is especially important during a drought. Just make sure to use organic mulches, like grass clippings or bark chips. As they decompose, this will help improve the fertility of your soil over time.

Harvest Rainwater: Harvesting rainwater with a rain barrel is an essential practice during times of drought. Rainwater can be collected and stored during rainier months and then used later during periods of drought, as to help reduce the demand on local water supplies. Not only will this help lower your water bill, but rainwater contains many different essential nutrients that will greatly benefit your plants. Check out our selection of rain barrels to start harvesting rainwater today! 

Use Smart Watering Practices: When watering during a drought, remember that deep and infrequent watering is actually preferable to light and frequent watering. This encourages plants to reach their roots deeper into the ground for extra nutrients and water. Additionally, using drip irrigation systems, or investing in self-watering planters, can save on water usage since these methods help create efficient water delivery systems without wasting any precious drops.

Consider Adding Compost: Composting has many benefits including helping bind together clay or sandy soils so less vital nutrients are lost due to evaporation. Additionally, compost enriches the soil, which helps promote healthy plant growth even during tough climate conditions.