How to Grow the BEST Leafy Greens

How to Grow the BEST Leafy Greens

Growing your own leafy greens can be a great way to create fresh, flavorful produce right in your own home! Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just beginning your green thumb journey, it helps to understand the best methods and strategies for achieving robust and healthy leafy greens.


Choosing Your Seeds

The first step to growing leafy greens is choosing which variety of seeds you’d like to plant. Consider factors like preferred flavor, ease of care, and climate, when selecting a variety that will work best for you and where you live. Once you’ve chosen your desired type of leafy green, purchase high quality seeds from either a certified seed company or a local nursery.


Preparing Your Soil

For the best growth rate and highest yields, soil preparation is key. First, make sure that your soil is free from debris and free from disease-causing organisms. Using a soil tester can be very helpful in identifying nutrient deficiencies in the soil so that you can amend it if necessary. Depending on what kind of soil tests come back, compost or fertilizer might be needed to give your leafy greens an adequate boost for growth. Additionally, make sure your soil pH level is between 6-7. Anything below 6 can inhibit nutrient absorption by roots, while anything above 7 can prevent certain nutrients from being available at all!


Planting and Care

Once the optimum environment has been established for the chosen variety of leafy green vegetables, sow the seeds at their optimum depth according to packet directions. Note that some types may require pre-soaking prior to sowing, as this increases germination rates. After planting the seeds, cover them with mulch or hay if needed. This retains moisture and suppresses weeds naturally! During growth periods throughout the spring and summer months, keep an eye out for pests like snails or slugs. Regular checks are usually all that’s needed (or companion planting with certain herbs). Water regularly as required. Leaves should feel moist but not over-saturated. Additionally, periodically fertilize every 2-3 weeks using liquid manure or seaweed extract fertilizer in order to ensure steady growth and increased yields!


As long as optimal conditions are met throughout the growing process with ample sunlight (6+ hours per day), good drainage and quality mulching; having a successful harvest of delicious homegrown leafy greens should be just around the corner!