How to Grow Your Own Strawberries

How to Grow Your Own Strawberries

Growing your own strawberries can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! If you follow the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be savoring the sweet taste of homegrown strawberries in no time!

Before we get started on how to grow your own strawberries, let's take a look at why they’re so beneficial! Strawberries contain a number of vitamins and minerals that can help protect your body from illness, improve heart health, and even reduce the risk of cancer. Plus, they taste delicious! Aside from the nutritional benefits, growing your own strawberries is a great way to connect with nature and get to know your local environment. 

Now that we’ve gone over the benefits, let’s get started on growing your own strawberries! The first step is to select a suitable location for your strawberry patch. You want to make sure it gets plenty of sunlight, as strawberries need about 6-10 hours per day. Avoid areas near trees and tall shrubs, as they can block the sun and stunt your plants’ growth.

Next up is selecting the type of strawberry you want to grow. While there are many varieties available, some of the most common include June-bearing strawberries, day-neutral strawberries, and ever-bearing strawberries. June-bearing produce one large crop per year during the first few weeks of June, while day-neutral varieties produce fruit throughout the season. Ever-bearing varieties can produce 2-3 smaller crops during the summer months.

Once you've selected the type of strawberry you want to grow, it’s time to start planting! To ensure your strawberries get off to a good start, make sure to choose a well-draining soil that’s slightly acidic. It's also important to fertilize your plants with compost or an-purpose fertilizer, which will give them the nutrients they need for optimal growth.

When planting your strawberries, make sure to dig a deep, wide hole and space your plants about six inches apart. Place the crown of the plant just above the soil line and fill in the rest with dirt. Water them well after planting to help them settle in.

When it comes to caring for your strawberry plants, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, make sure to keep the soil moist by watering regularly. Second, be on the lookout for pests or disease and take immediate action if you spot any. For more information on basic garden pest control, check out our blog post on how to keep unwanted guests out of your garden. Finally, be sure to mulch around your plants as this will help retain moisture and discourage weeds.

Once your strawberries start flowering, you can begin harvesting! Strawberries should be picked when they are fully ripe and red, as this is when they taste the sweetest. If the strawberries stay on the plant too long, they may become overripe and lose their flavor.

Growing your own strawberries isn’t too difficult if you have a bit of patience and follow these steps. With just a little know-how, you’ll be able to enjoy the sweet taste of homegrown strawberries in no time! So get out there and start growing today!