Indoor Gardening 101

Indoor Gardening 101

Want to start growing your own organic produce from home but live in an apartment with no yard space to grow in?? Don’t worry! Urban indoor gardening has become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people look to add fresh, delicious produce to their diet without having access to a large outdoor plot of land. If you’re wondering how you can join in on the urban gardening wave, even with limited space, here are some tips on how to start growing your own vegetables indoors!

Choose the Right Space: It’s important to choose the right space for indoor gardening. Aim for a spot that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight each day. A balcony, or even a windowsill, is usually a great option. Also, make sure that your chosen area has good ventilation and plenty of room for your plants to spread out once they start growing!

Pick Easy to Grow Veggies: When starting out with indoor gardening, it’s best to stick with vegetables or herbs that are generally easier to grow. Low maintenance veggies like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers are great to start with! Leafy greens, like lettuce and spinach, are also  great options as they tend to be fast-growing and less needy than other vegetables.

Invest In Good Soil & Containers: The next step is investing in some quality soil and containers that are appropriate for the plants you want to grow. If you want, you can also use grow bags, which give you more flexibility over where they can fit! 

Water Regularly & Keep Your Plants Clean: As all gardeners know, watering regularly and keeping plants free from pests is key for successful yields! Make sure that your vegetables get enough water, but not too much as this can cause them to rot. Also, be sure to inspect your plants regularly for pests and use organic pesticide sprays if needed.

Fertilize When Necessary: Fertilizing your plants helps promote vigorous growth, so make sure not to skip this step! Generally, liquid plant food should be added every 2 weeks during the active growing season. Slow release fertilizers may only need replenishing once or twice per year depending on the type of plants you’re growing.

Know When To Harvest: Take note of when each of your veggies reach maturity so that you know when they should be harvested. Otherwise, they may end up going bad before you have a chance to enjoy them!

Even though you may not have a large plot of land with a sprawling gardening oasis, you can still grow and harvest your own organic produce from the comfort of your apartment with a little creativity and effort!